Melanchiolia Léon. Tra i 12 artisti di X Factor 2020, nella categoria Gruppi guidata da Manuel Agnelli, ci sono i Melancholia.
I Melancholia, sono una band umbra di Foligno composta da Benedetta, voce, 22 anni; Fabio alle tastiere, 24 anni; Filippo alla chitarra, 23 anni.
Dalla forte identità musicale, ogni loro esibizione non lascia mai indifferenti. Manuel li trova “fortissimi” ed è pronto “a farne delle belle”.
Melancholia Léon testo e audio
You don’t find me
I’m a reckless
Are you knocking at
The door?
You don’t want to
Watch me bleed
You won’t find me
At home
Why’d they kill me?
I didn’t watch it
I don’t feel you
So close
I’m a criminal
You’re a reckless
Why don’t you want me Léon
Dies around me
I can cry with
I’m a toy girl
In your court-yard
You won’t find me
You can show your love Léon
I can sleep with you Léon
You can close your eyes Léon
You can laugh with me Léon
You can cry with me Léon
Drink with me your milk Léon
I can use your guns Léon
I can grow your plant Léon
It’s not a joke
I want to kill’em
I’m not looking for God
I’m a criminal
You’re a reckless
Why don’t you want me
They have killed you
And now I’m alone
This is from me